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Central Valley School District offers a well-rounded education that is rich in the arts. It is the district’s belief that the arts help develop creative skills, enhancing a student’s ability to grasp and communicate complex ideas across all curricula. In other words, the arts improve student performance in all subjects, from language to math and science.

Students at Central Valley have the opportunity to participate in performing and visual arts as part of their school day, as well as after school. Below is a sample of the offerings:

Performance Arts

Vocal music begins in the elementary school and steadily increases in complexity and rigor through middle school. In the high school, vocal electives include chorus and select choir.

Instrumental music begins in late elementary school when students have the option to begin band and orchestra lessons. Students refine their skills throughout middle school and high school having the opportunity to participate in a wide range of ensembles.

Drama begins in elementary school through classroom presentations. Middle school and high school students can ultimately participate in the acclaimed CVA musicals, which have included Bye Bye Birdie, Phantom of the Opera and Shrek the Musical.

Visual Arts

Visual arts begin in the elementary school and continue throughout high school.

Performing Arts

The Central Valley Music Department strives for the highest possible level of performances with each of its performing groups. By participating in a performing ensemble, students will learn how to improve his or her singing/playing and be educated in a variety of musical styles through performance of various types of literature. Participation in a performing music group provides many long-term rewards that will benefit students including:

  • Life-long learning
  • Music appreciation
  • Self-expression and creativity
  • Self-discipline and work ethic
  • Self-worth, awareness and esteem
  • Collaboration and communication
  • Interdisciplinary learning
  • Artistic potential

Therefore, Central Valley Music Department’s main goal is to use music as a vehicle that will allow us to better prepare students for productive, enjoyable, and successful futures.

Visual Arts

  • Joanna Jenkins

    My name is Joanna Jenkins and I started my teaching career at Remington Elementary school in 1999 and I had the privilege of painting many murals to adorn the walls there. I also taught studio art classes at Ilion high school during that time. After the merge of Ilion and Mohawk, I returned to teach art at Jarvis Middle School and now I am the high school art teacher at CVA.

    I have taken college courses at HCCC, MVCA, Suny New Paltz, and Suny Cortland, but the majority of my college art courses were completed at Munson-Williams-Proctor-Arts Institute (MWPAI) and The College of Saint Rose. I am a member of New York State Art Teachers Association (NYSATA)and I have taught classes at MWPAI during summer session as well.

    I have painted murals throughout the state and enjoy all the mediums I get to teach – drawing, painting, printmaking and ceramics, collage, sculpture, and even photography.
    I have had the pleasure of traveling to Florence, Italy several times and enjoy their art, sculpture and architecture.

    Outside of school, I enjoy outdoor activities like gardening, camping, and fishing – including ice fishing! I also enjoy singing and play several instruments including saxophone, guitar, and flute. In the summer of 2018, my husband and I toured the United States singing and entertaining in nursing homes as well as visiting as many national parks as we could! It was a great adventure!

    Cheryl Hicks

    Hello, I am Cheryl Hicks, an art teacher at Barringer Road Elementary and 6th grade at Jarvis Middle School. I received my formal training in Art Education at Dutchess Community College, SUNY New Paltz, and Utica College. One thing that I would like you to know about myself is that I practice what I preach. I am passionate about the visual arts and enjoy making art in my free time. I have my own clay studio at home where I focus on functional ceramic pieces and also dabble a little with mixed-media. While being a practicing artist myself, it allows me to make stronger connections to the materials being used in the classroom and in turn, the students receive a passionate education in my classroom. My classroom functions on respecting the studio, being responsible and safe, but also a little goofiness. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to teaching your children!

    Amy Roepnack

    I received my Bachelors of Fine Arts from Purchase College and Masters of Art in Teaching frome SUNY Oswego. I have taught a variety of styles of art and have had students ranging in ages from 3-80. After years being an assistant professor at Herkimer College, I decided to return to teaching youth art. My hope is to educate and inspire Central Valley students….while having fun along the way!

    Melissa Kirk

    Hello! My name is Melissa Kirk and I am the Elementary Art teacher at Harry M. Fisher Elementary School. I earned my Bachelor’s of Fine Art from Green Mountain College before getting my Master’s of Teaching-Art from SUNY Oswego.

    In the art classroom, Kindergarten and 1st grade are focused on building simple skills and learning about the Elements of Art, the basic building blocks of art. We focus on process over product with our Pre-K artists, lots of play and exploration of materials. Students, regardless of their age, are taught citizenship and responsibility by following the process of creating art, then maintaining the art classroom/studio through cleaning their own mess, plus helping others when they can. We have a lot of fun learning and making together!